Clive Barwell TEP FCSI CFP

Clive Barwell
TEP CFP Chartered FCSI

Accredited Member of the Society of Later Life Advisers

Call me for a chat on
0800 074 8755

Blog | Posts by Clive Barwell

About Clive Barwell

Clive Barwell is one of the most experienced and qualified financial planners working in the later life market today, he specialises in advice and guidance for the over 55s. To ask Clive a question, please email him at Alternatively, you can follow Clive on Twitter, connect with Clive on LinkedIn or see Clive's profile on Google+.

Should I join my employer’s pension scheme?

If you are a member of a Defined Contribution pension, particularly an Autoenrolment pension, you’re probably invested in the wrong Fund!

Pensions are rubbish! Buy-to-let is better?

A pension wins over buy-to-let because it is hassle-free and tax-efficient.

Trust Investment: What you need to know as a Trustee

Unlike investing money for yourself, where caveat emptor – “let the buyer beware” – applies, investing as a Trustee is governed by a whole series of rules and regulations, which you ignore at your peril.

What is a retirement annuity?

To pick a route through the minefield of retirement annuities is extremely complex, so professional advice is a must.

I have received a lump sum, should I invest it?

Your inclination is just to leave the money on deposit because investing is too risky. Risk means different things to different people and, if you’ve never invested before, the prospect looks scary.

What does the plethora of rules mean for your pension?

The 2014 Budget proposed some major changes to the way in which people can access their pension savings, but what does that mean for you?

Funding for University

An investment – lump sum or regular savings – into an offshore bond written under a Discretionary Trust could be a particularly attractive way of pre-funding these costs.

Statement of Investment Principles

This “Statement of Investment Principles” outlines the eight key aspects of how I seek to invest and manage client’s money. These principles shape the advice I provide to meet long-term investment goals.

What is an Individual Savings Account (ISA)?

An Individual Savings Account (ISA) is a “wrapper” for cash and/or investments which confers some valuable tax benefits to UK resident savers and investors.

Paying for Care: Impaired Life Annuities

Paying for Care and Means-Testing: A Case Study In other articles, I have examined the rules and regulations surrounding means-testing and the legitimate steps an individual can take to protect some of their assets. Now, in this section, I’ll examine the options available when someone is entering care as a self-funder and is faced with […]

Deferred Payment Scheme: What is it and how does it work?

Whilst Granny’s home doesn’t have to be sold during her lifetime, it may well still need to be sold after her death to repay the debt.

Care Home Fees Planning: Wills

For example, if one Spouse is in care and the other is living at home, but then the one living at home dies, all the couple’s wealth will be in the hands of the patient and available to pay for their care. How can this be avoided?

Inheritance Tax Planning | A Case Study

Whilst Enid’s overriding concern is to maintain her own financial independence, come what may, she continues to be concerned about the impact Inheritance Tax (IHT) will have on her two sons when they eventually inherit.

Funding Care Home Fees: The Future

Only the minority will live in care long enough to reach the cap.

Care Home Fees: 12 Week Disregard

If someone permanently enters residential care, owning their own home and they are subject to means-testing, their home is disregarded for the first 12-weeks. What “disregard” means in this context is quite literal – for the purposes of means-testing the home does not exist for those first 12-weeks. All other qualifying assets will be taken into account, but not your home.

Reclaim Care Home Fees

Understandably, families who are watching their inheritance disappear whilst an elderly relative is paying for care home fees are keen to put the burden on the NHS. How?

Eligible Care Needs: What are they?

You may consider that Granny can no longer safely live in her own home and that she needs to go into a Care Home, but if the Local Authority doesn’t share that view, there will be no contribution to costs, regardless of whether Granny would qualify on financial grounds alone.

Avoid Care Home Fees: Deliberate Deprivation

There are more myths about Deliberate Deprivation and Care Fees Planning than any other. I often hear mention of various “rules” relating to time-scales since action was taken, but the reality is there are none.

Care Home Fees Who Pays?

Understandably, families who are watching their inheritance disappear whilst an elderly relative is paying for care home fees are keen to put the burden on the NHS and reclaim care home fees wherever possible.

Home Equity Release Schemes

Clive discusses the pros and cons of the Equity Release schemes available, including:

  • Lifetime Mortgage
  • Drawdown Plans
  • Enhanced Plans
  • Protected Plans
  • Home Reversion
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