Clive Barwell TEP FCSI CFP

Clive Barwell
TEP CFP Chartered FCSI

Accredited Member of the Society of Later Life Advisers

Call me for a chat on
0800 074 8755

Blog | Posts Tagged 'Will'

Property in the European Union and your Will

Brussels IV is the solution to the forced heirship provisions, which can currently thwart the best laid plans of British Will-makers. However, what many people are not aware of is that the new rules will only benefit those British nationals who have taken appropriate action during their lifetime by drafting a new Will.

Have you made a will?

Over a lifetime we spend our time working hard to provide for our loved ones and making a Will ensures that when you die your estate – property, possessions, savings and investments – are shared according to your wishes. A Will is important for everyone but even more so if you have children, own property, […]

Acting as an Executor or thinking of appointing one?

Being asked to act as an Executor by a friend or member of the family can be flattering, as it shows they trust you to handle their financial affairs. But remember that by accepting you will have to take on a lot of responsibility.

Protect your children’s future inheritance from bankruptcy

Could your children’s inheritance finish up in the hands of a bankruptcy administrator? Watch this interesting animation.

Generational Inheritance Tax – how to avoid it

Are you passing an Inheritance Tax problem down the generations? Watch this interesting animation.

Protect your children’s inheritance from future care costs

Will all your assets be expended on paying for future long term care so there will be nothing left for your children? Watch this interesting animation.

How to ensure YOUR family receives their inheritance

A common concern is that, following your death, your Partner remarries and your children’s inheritance finishes up with that new family. If this is a concern, watch this animation and then call me to discuss how an updated Will can help allay your fears.

Why use Clive Barwell for Wills, Trusts & Lasting Powers of Attorney?

I have been advising on Wills and Trusts since 1971 and I am a registered Trust & Estate Practitioner.

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